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Zakat I: Camels
By Mft. M. Saifur Rahman Nawhami

Zakat is due on camels when one owns 5 or more camels and possessed it for more than a year. Whilst possession of camels are uncommon in the west, the student of the advanced programme is required to know it for the purpose of preserving it. Circumstances change and the shariah is till the end of time.

Read the Quduri description with the aid of the vocabulary section below. Then browse the tables to determine the limit, this is somewhat ambiguous in the hadith and forms the basis of disputes among scholars. Note that nearly all the mazahib are unanimous for schedule 1. As for schedules 2 and 3, it is according to the ahnaf and the others differ.

Note: Zakat is only due upon a sa'imah (a camel owned solely for breeding or milk). Camels that are owned for other purposes such as transport or work is not zakatable.


ليس في أقل من خمس ذود من الإبل صدقة فإذا بلغت خمسا سائمة وحال عليها الحول ففيها شاة إلى تسع فإذا كانت عشرا ففيها شاتان إلى أربع عشرة فإذا كانت خمس عشرة ففيها ثلاث شياه إلى تسع عشرة فإذا كانت عشرين ففيها أربع شياه إلى أربع وعشرين فإذا كانت خمسا وعشرين ففيها بنت مخاض إلى خمس وثلاثين فإذا كانت ستا وثلاثين ففيها بنت لبون إلى خمس وأربعين فإذا كانت ستا وأربعين ففيها حقة إلى ستين فإذا كانت إحدى وستين ففيها جذعة إلى خمس وسبعين فإذا كانت ستا وسبعين ففيها بنتا لبون إلى تسعين فإذا كانت إحدى وتسعين ففيها حقتان إلى مائة وعشرين

Schedule 1: 0-120

  • There is no zakat on less than five camels.
  • When it reaches five sa'imah (free grazing camels) and it was possessed for a year, one sheep is due. [This is case] up to nine.
  • When it is ten, two she sheep are due. [This is the case upto 14].
  • When is reaches 15, three sheep are due. [This is the case] up to 19.
  • When it is 20, four sheep are due. [This is the case] up to 24.
  • When it is 25, one bint makhaz is due. [This is the case] up to 35.
  • When it is 36, one bint labun is due. [This is the case] up to 45.
  • When it is 46, one hiqqah is due. [This is the case] up to 60.
  • When it is 61, one jaza'a is due. [This is the case] up to 75.
  • When it is 76, two bint labun are due. [This is the case] up to 90.
  • When it is 91, two hiqqahs are due. [This is the case] up to 120.

ثم تستأنف الفريضة فيكون في الخمس شاة مع الحقتين وفي العشر شاتان وفي خمس عشرة ثلاث شياه وفي عشرين أربع شياه وفي خمس وعشرين بنت مخاض إلى مائة وخمسين فيكون فيها ثلاث حقاق

Schedule 2: Thereafter [above 120 camels] append the same schedule1 . So for [an additional]:

  • 5,2 one sheep will be due along with two hiqqahs.
  • 10,3 two sheep [will be due along with two hiqqahs].
  • 15,4 three sheep [will be due along with two hiqqahs].
  • 20,5 four sheep [will be due along with two hiqqahs].
  • 25,6 one bint makhaz [will be due along with two hiqqahs].
  • [When it reaches] 150, three hiqqahs are due.

ثم تستأنف الفريضة فيكنون في الخمس شاة وفي العشر شاتان وفي خمس عشرة ثلاث شياه وفي عشرين أربع شياه وفي خمس وعشرين بنت مخاض وفي ست وثلاثين بنت لبون

Schedule 3: Then append the schedule [below]. So for [an additional]:

  • 5,7 one sheep.
  • 10,8 two sheep.
  • 15,9 three sheep.
  • 20,10 four sheep.
  • 25,11 one bint makhaz.
  • 36,12 one bint labun.

فإذا بلغت مائة وستا وتسعين ففيها أربع حقاق إلى مائتين ثم تستأنف الفريضة أبدا كما استؤنفت في الخمسين التي بعد المائة والخميسين

When it reaches 196, four hiqqahs are due. [This is the case] up to 200. Then continue to append like the 50 was appended after 150.

والبخت والعراب سواء

Mix-breed camels and pure-breed are the same.


Sheep (شاة): a sheep aged 1 years or above irrespective of gender

Bint Makhaz: a she-camel which has entered the second year of life (aged 1); 12-24 months

Bint Labun: a she-camel which has entered the third year of life (aged 2); 24-36 months

Hiqqah:  a she-camel which has entered the fourth year of life (aged 3); 36-48 months

Jaza'ah: a she-camel which has entered the fifth year of life (aged 4); beyond 40 months

Sa'imah: An animal which is grazed and its primary function is to breed or provide milk.



Schedule A: 0-120

CamelsZakat due
0 > x > 5Nothing
5 ≥ x > 101 sheep
10 ≥ x > 152 sheep
15 ≥ x > 203 sheep
20 ≥ x > 254 sheep
25 ≥ x ≥ 351 Bint Makhaz
35 > x ≥ 451 Bint Labun
45 > x ≥ 601 Hiqqah
60 > x ≥ 751 Jaza'a
75 > x ≥ 902 Bint Labuns
90 > x > 1252 Hiqqahs

Schedule B: 120-150

CamelsZakat due
125 ≥ x > 1301 sheep + 2 Hiqqahs
130 ≥ x > 1352 sheep + 2 Hiqqahs
135 ≥ x > 1403 sheep + 2 Hiqqahs
140 ≥ x > 1454 sheep + 2 Hiqqahs
145 ≥ x > 1551 Bint Makhaz + 2 Hiqqahs

Schedule C: 150+

Rule for beyond 150: For every 40 camels give a bint labun and for every 50 give a hiqqah.

Direction: Divide the number of camels by 50. That will give you the number of hiqqas. For the remainder apply schedule 3 along with the number of hiqqas in the case.

Example 1: if there is 942 camels. Divide 942 by 50 which would be 18 hiqqahs. There remains 42 camels,13 as per schedule 3 it would be one bint labun. So in total 18 hiqqahs and 1 bint labun.

Example 2: if there is 918 camels. Divide 942 by 50 which would be 18 hiqqahs. There remains 18 camels,14 as per schedule 3 it would be 3 sheep. So in total it will be 18 hiqqahs and 3 sheep.

Example 3: if there is 947 camels. Divide 947 by 50 which would be 18 hiqqahs. There remains 47 camels,15 as per schedule 3 it would be 1 hiqqah. So in total it will be 19 hiqqahs

Try it out

Click on the arrow symbol to reveal the answer.

➝ What is the zakat on 1078 camels?

The answer is 21 hiqqahs and one bint makhaz. Divide 1078 by 50 which would be 21 hiqqahs. There remains 28 camels, as per schedule 3 it would be one bint makhaz.

➝ What is the zakat on 603 camels?

The answer is 12 hiqqahs. Divide 603 by 50 which would be 12 hiqqahs. There remains 3 camels, as per schedule 3 there is nothing due on less than 5 sheep.

  • 1Schedule 1
  • 2125 (120+5)
  • 3130 (120+10)
  • 4135 (120+15)
  • 5140(120+20)
  • 6145 (120+25)
  • 7155 (150+5)
  • 8160 (150+10)
  • 9165 (150+15)
  • 10170(150+20)
  • 11175 (150+25)
  • 12186 (150+36)
  • 1318*50=900. So 942-900=42
  • 1418*50=900. So 918-900=18
  • 1518*50=900. So 947-900=47
  • Type: Note

  • Subject: Fiqh, Quduri

  • Author: M. Saifur Rahman Nawhami

  • Collection: Notebook

  • ID: 200424501

  • Updated: 05-November-2023

    Animal Zakat calculator (BETA)
