Curated by Qari Mizanur Rahman
10 Rajab 1445 ᴀʜ / 22 January 2024 ᴄᴇ
Jazariyyah has many commentaries and a wealth of associated resources. This compilation spotlights the frequently referenced and most informative entries. For a wider selection, access Qari Mizanur Rahman's collection here.
Muqaddimah fīmā yajibu ala-Qāri al-Quraʾan an Yaʿlamah
⟶ Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah. 2009 ᴄᴇ. Ayman Suwayd. Markaz Waqf Muṣḥaf Sharif, Jaddah, Saudi Arabia. ID: 97021180827001.
Classical commentaries
The following commentaries are the most referenced by proceeding generations.
☰ Ibn Nāẓim; Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. al-Jazari (d. 859 ᴀʜ). Ḥawashi al-Mufhimah. ID: 97021180859001
☰ Abd al-Dāʿim b. Ali al-Ḥadīdi (d. 879 ᴀʜ). al-Ṭirāzāt al-Muʿlimah ID: 97021180879001
☰ Khālid b. Abdullah al-Aẓhari (d, 905 ᴀʜ). Ḥawashi al-Azhariyyah. ID: 97021180905001
☰ Aḥmad b. Muhammad al-Qasṭalani (d. 923 ᴀʜ). al-Lāliʿ al-Saniyyah. ID: 97021180923001
☰ Anṣari, Zakariyya b. Muḥammad (d. 926 ᴀʜ). al-Daqāʿiq al-Muḥkamah. ID: 97021180926001
Tāshkubrizada; Aḥmad b. Muṣṭafa (d. 968 ᴀʜ). Sharḥ al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah. ID: 97021180968001. Expand ↓
This book combines the content covered in many notable past commentaries. He highlights the inconsistencies in these if any. His presentation is different from the classics. He breaks down his comments into three sections: Mīm, Lām, and Ḥā. In Section Mīm, he highlights manuscript differences. In Section Lām, he discusses grammatical issues such as iʿrab. In Section Ḥa, he discusses the clarification and ruling relating to the text.
☰ Ibn Ḥanbali; Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm (d. 971 ᴀʜ). al-Fawāʿid al-Sariyyah. ID: 97021180971001
☰ Mulla Ali Qāri; Ali b. Sulṭān (d. 1014 ᴀʜ). al-Minaḥ al-Fikriyyah. ID: 97021181014001
☰ Umar b. Ibrāhīm Masʿadi (d. 1017 ᴀʜ). Fawāʾid al-Masʿadiyyah. ID: 97021181017001
☰ Sayf al-Dīn b. Ataullah al-Faḍāli (d. 1020 ᴀʜ). al-Jawāhir al-Muḍiyyah. ID: 97021181020001
Later commentaries
☰ Ibn Yalūshah; Muḥammad b. Ali al-Ṭunisī (d. 1314 ᴀʜ). al-Fawāʾid al-Mufhimah. ID: 97021181314001